The reaction of NbCl 5, NaS t Bu, Se and Et 4NCl in CH 3CN in a 1:6:1:1.6 molar ratio affords crystalline (Et 4N) 2[Nb(Se) 3(S t Bu)], 1. The same salt is obtained in about 25% yield by the oxidation of [Nb(S)(S t Bu) 4] − with 1 equiv. of Se. Oxidation of 1, or its Ph 4P + analog with 1.5 equiv. of Se in the presence of water, results in the formation of the [Nb(O)(Se 2) 2SeH)] 2− anion, 2, that can be isolated as Ph 4P + or Et 4N + salts. The SeH vibration in the Et 4N + salt of 2 is found at 2526 cm −1 and the proton in the anion is easily exchanged with D 3COD. The (Et 4N) 4[(Nb(O)(Se 2) 2) 2Se 4] dimer, 3 was obtained by the oxidation of (Et 4N) 2[Nb(O)(Se 2) 2SeH)] with 2 equiv. of elemental selenium. The reaction of (Et 4N) 2[Nb(Se) 3(S t Bu)] with water in CH 3CN, led to isolation of the oxo-bridged dimer, (Et 4N) 4[(Se) 3NbONb(Se) 3], 4. The crystal structures of 1–4 have been determined. Single crystal X-ray diffraction data for 1–4 were collected on a Nicolet P3/F diffractometer using MoKα radiation and the structures solved using a combination of heavy atom Patterson techniques, direct methods and Fourier techniques. The number of parameters refined and the final R factors obtained for each structure at the conclusion of refinement are: (1) 280, 0.0463; (2), 528, 0.0941; (3), 318, 0.0886 and (4), 205, 0.0625 respectively. The anion in 1 exhibits tetrahedral geometry while the structure of the anion in 2 shows the Nb 5+ ion in a pentagonal pyramidal geometry with two η 2-Se 2 2− and the η 1-SeH − ligands in the equatorial plane and the oxo ligand in the apical position. The Nb atom is located 0.70 Å above the plane defined by the five equatorial Se atoms. In 2, the NbO, NbSeH and NbSe 2 bonds are found at 1.671(11), 2.608(4) and 2.60(1) Å, respectively. The structure of the anion in 3 shows 2 [Nb(O)(Se 2) 2] units, bridged by a tetraselenido ligand to give a dimer with pentagonal pyramidal [Nb(O)(Se 2) 2Se] subunits and the oxo ligands in an anti conformation. In 4 the μ-oxo ligand of the anion is located on a crystallographic centre of symmetry and the NbO bond, in the linear NbONb unit is 1.916(1) Å. The two Nb(Se) 3 units are oriented in a staggered fashion to give an idealised D 3d symmetry.
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