Background: Bangladesh is one of the most affected countries with Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.For the prevention of the disease, COVID appropriate behaviour should be followed by the all concerned. Objective: Toassess knowledge of the general mass on etiology, transmission and prevention of COVID-19. Methods: A descriptive,cross sectional study was conducted among 267 adults selected through accidental sampling technique using semi-structured interviewer administered questionnaire through face-to-face interview after obtaining informed verbalconsent. Strict confidentiality and other ethical issues was maintained. Results: As many as 228(85.39%) respondentswere males, while 256(95.88%) respondents were Muslim, 150(56.18%) were married, 36(3.48%) had no formaleducation, 61(22.85%) were rickshaw-pullers, all had heard about COVID-19. Of 267, 256(98.88%) of the respondentshad idea about the causation of COVID-19, three fourth 193(75.39%) respondents knew that the disease was caused byan infectious agent, majority 237(87.64%) of the respondents had knowledge about transmission of the disease fromperson to person through droplet infection during sneezing and coughing (64.56%). Vulnerability to the disease was221(82.77%) in geriatric group, high vulnerability was in persons with co-morbidity like diabetes mellitus (65.84%),hypertension (32.92%), cancer (9.88%), bronchial asthma (9.88%) and in pregnant women (8.23%); 242(90.64%) ofrespondents opined that COVID-19 could be prevented by using mask (91.32%), frequent hand washing (70.66%),maintenance of physical distance (58.26%) and by vaccination (47.93%). Conclusion: General mass has adequateknowledge about the causation of COVID-19 with nature of causative agent with a clear conception of transmissionof COVID-19 and measure for its prevention.
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