and over 2.7 M ha has burnedannually (NIFC 2011). These fires resulted in the death of morethan 18 people and the loss of over 3000 structures. In 2002,fires burned 2.9 M ha and firefighting cost exceeded $1.6billion with $100s of millions more spent on revegetationefforts and emergency watershed stabilization to preventcatastrophic flooding and permanent loss of ecosystem servicesacross the Nation (Miller and Narayanan 2008). In 2005, over205000 ha burned in the southern Nevada complex fire and in2007 over 400000 ha burned in the Murphy Complex fire inSouthern Idaho and the Milford Flat fire in Central Utah (NIFC2011).One of the greatest threats to ecosystems of the Great Basin isthe invasion of cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.). Cheatgrass isthe most dominant weed species in the Intermountain West,infesting more than 40 M ha, more than 10 M ha in the GreatBasin alone. Cheatgrass invasion has modified big sagebrushsites throughout the Great Basin by providing a fine-textured,early-maturing fuel that increases the chance of ignition, as wellas the frequency and season of wildfires. Adverse impactsinclude increased fire risk, reduced biodiversity and foragefor livestock and wildlife, degraded water quality, reducedrecreational and aesthetic values, and significant economiclosses. Historically, wildfire frequency was estimated at 60–100 yr in the sagebrush/bunchgrass vegetation type (Whisenant1990), 30–70 yr in pinyon/juniper types (Wright 1980), andvirtually absent from the salt desert shrub type and Mojavedeserts (due to lack of fine fuels; Billings 1994). Fire intervalshave decreased to as little as 5 yr in all of these vegetation typessince the invasion of cheatgrass, red brome (Bromus rubens L.),and other invasive plants (Whisenant 1990).The Society for Range Management (SRM) and 26 partnershosted a special conference in Reno, Nevada in December of2008 in response to the need to provide information for themanagement of native rangelands in the face of challengesposed by the interactions of invasive plants and wildfire. SRMhosted the Wildfires and Invasive Plants in American DesertsConference through its Center for Professional Education andDevelopment (CPED), and over 300 people representing 17states and over 70 different universities, state and federalagencies, tribal agencies, agricultural producers, and privatecompanies participated in this unique event. The purpose of theconference was to explore the interactions between invasiveplants, native plants, and wildfire intensity and frequencyacross the Intermountain west. The conference focused on theColorado Plateau and the Chihuahuan, Great Basin, Mojave,and Sonoran deserts of North America. The conference wasdesigned to engage both the scientific community and the landmanagers and producers who must address this issue on a dailybasis.A primary goal of the conference was to provide for theexchange of knowledge between the scientific community, landmanagers, and other stakeholders and synthesize what isknown about the impacts associated with the interactionsbetween invasive plants and wildfire so that land managers willhave state-of-the-art knowledge to address this critical issue.Six papers from the interactive workshops conducted duringthe conference were published in the June 2009 issue ofRangelands (31[3]: 2–35). These papers discussed science,management and policy recommendations, and training andoutreach coordination strategies essential to communicate theimpact that wildfire and invasive plants were having on westernrangelands to policy makers. The papers in this special featureprovide a detailed synthesis of the scientific literature of what isknown about the impacts of wildfire and invasive plants onIntermountain rangelands. It is timely that the SRM nowpublishes these five synthesis publications on what is knownabout the adverse impacts of wildfires and invasive plants whilehundreds of thousands of hectares are burning across thesouthwestern United States. We hope that this special featurewill provide the knowledge necessary to more effectively as-sess current impacts from wildfire and invasive plants andcontribute to management strategies that minimize pendingfuture impacts.