Rotator cuff repair site failure is a well-established clinical concern. Tendon-to-bone healing is initiated by inflammatory mediators followed by matrix synthesis by fibroblasts. The kinetics of fibroblast accumulation and activity are currently poorly understood. Ninety-six mice underwent supraspinatus tendon repair. Six were used for imaging using a novel 68Gallium (Ga)-labeled fibroblast activation protein alpha (FAP-α) inhibitor and positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET/CT) at days 0 (before surgery), 3, 7, 14, and 28. Sixty-eight animals were divided into 4 groups to be evaluated at 3, 7, 14, or 28 days. Twenty-two native shoulders from mice without surgery were used as the control group (intact tendon). Six animals from each group were used for histological analysis; 6 from each group were used for evaluation of fibroblastic response-related gene expression; and 10 mice each from the intact, 14-day, and 28-day groups were used for biomechanical testing. There was minimal localization of 68Ga-labeled FAP-α inhibitor in the shoulders at day 0 (before surgery). There was significantly increased uptake in the shoulders with surgery compared with the contralateral sides without surgery at 3, 7, and 14 days. 68Ga-labeled FAP-α inhibitor uptake in the surgically treated shoulders increased gradually and peaked at 14 days followed by a decrease at 28 days. Gene expression for smooth muscle alpha (α)-2 (acta2), FAP-α, and fibronectin increased postsurgery followed by a drop at 28 days. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that FAP-α-positive cell density followed a similar temporal trend, peaking at 14 days. All trends matched closely with the PET/CT results. Biomechanical testing demonstrated a gradual increase in failure load during the healing process. 68Ga-labeled FAP-α inhibitor PET/CT allows facile, high-contrast in vivo 3-dimensional imaging of fibroblastic activity in a mouse rotator cuff repair model. Noninvasive imaging of activated fibroblasts using labeled radiotracers may be a valuable tool to follow the progression of healing at the bone-tendon interface.
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