Many herbaceous meadows are dominated by competitive non‐native grasses and subject to ungulate herbivory, ecological processes that shift the proportional biomass of plant groups in the community. Predicting the outcome of restoration is complicated because herbivory and competition can interact. We examined the relationship between herbivory by native black‐tailed deer and domestic sheep and dominance of non‐native grasses in Garry oak meadows, one of North America's most endangered habitat types. A 3‐year factorial experiment tested the effects of mowing and fencing on plant community biomass, categorized into eight groups by geographic origin (native/non‐native), growth form (annual/perennial), and plant type (forb/grass). To test if the rarity of native plant groups was related to herbivory, we estimated ungulate foraging preferences for each plant group. Mowing and fencing treatments interacted for annual and perennial non‐native grasses. Dominance was shifted from non‐native to native grasses only when both mowing and fencing were applied. Fencing increased the total biomass, whereas mowing had no overall effect; however, fencing alone did not affect any individual plant group. Mowing shifted dominance from grasses to forbs, although both native and non‐native forbs benefited from the increased light availability. We also noted that herbivore fecal pellet densities were greatest in the spring, which coincided with the peak season of their preferred plant group, native perennial forbs. Overall, applying both mowing and fencing was the most effective restoration treatment to increase native plant groups and biomass.