
In an effort to evaluate the selective control of the exotic weed Eurasian water milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum L.) and to assess the recovery and restoration of the native submersed plant community, a 6-ha river and 4-ha cove plot were treated with the herbicide triclopyr at application rates of 2·5 and 1·75 mg/l, respectively, in the Pend Oreille River, WA, in August 1991. Water exchange half-lives within the plots were measured using rhodamine WT dye (river, tl/2 = 20 h; cove, t1/2 = 52 h), and triclopyr dissipation rates were also calculated (river, tl/2 = 19 h; cove, t1/2 = 53 h). Triclopyr concentrations were below the proposed potable water tolerance level (0·5 mgll) within the river treatment plot by 3 days after treatment « 0·01 to 0·41 mg/I), and 675 m downstream of that plot by I day after treatment « 0·01 to 0·47 mg/I). Following the cove treatment, triclopyr residues ranged from 0·12 to 0·29 mg/l by 7 days after treatment, and from < 0·0 I to 0·06 mg/l as close as 150 m downstream from the plot. Eurasian water milfoil biomass was reduced by 99% in the treated plots at 4 weeks post-treatment, remained low one year later (river treatment, 28% of pretreat levels; cove treatment 1 % of pre-treat levels) and was still at acceptable levels of control at two years post-treatment (river treatment, 47% of pre-treat levels; cove treatment, 24% of pre-treat levels). The four-week post-treatment efficacy results verified triclopyr concentration/exposure time relationships for controlling Eurasian water milfoil developed under laboratory conditions. Non-target native plant biomass increased 500-1000% by one year post­ treatment, and remained significantly higher in the cove plot at two years after treatment. Native species diversity doubled following herbicide treatment, and the restoration of this robust community delayed the re-establishment and dominance of Eurasian water milfoil for three growing seasons. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Regul. Rivers: Res. Mgmt, 13: 357-375 (1997)

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