Mobile robots have various applications in agriculture, autonomous cars, industrial automation, planetary exploration, security, and surveillance. The generation of the optimal smooth path is a significant aspect of mobile robotics. An optimal path for a mobile robot is measured by various factors such as path length, path smoothness, collision-free curve, execution time, and the total number of turns. However, most of the planners generate a non-smooth less optimal and linear piecewise path. Post processing smoothing is applied at the cost of increase in path length. Moreover, current research on post-processing path smoothing techniques does not address the issues of post smoothness collision and performance efficiency. This paper presents a path smoothing approach based on clamped cubic B-Spline to resolve the aforementioned issues. The proposed approach has introduced an economical point insertion scheme with automated knot vector generation while eliminating post smoothness collisions with obstacles. It generates C2 continuous path without any stitching point and passes more closely to the originally planned path. Experiments and comparison with previous approaches have shown that the proposed approach generates better results with reduced path length, and execution time. The test cases used for experiments include a simple structure environment, complex un-structured environment, an environment full of random cluttered narrow obstacles, and a case study of an indoor narrow passage.
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