
Posterior interosseous nerve (PIN) entrapment syndrome is a rare condition and is predisposed by anatomical factors such as narrow passages through fibrous arcades; whereas, the Arcade of Frohse (AF) is the most common entrapment point. The aim of this study was to evaluate the entrance and exit points of the PIN into the supinator in detail. One hundred unpaired upper extremities underwent dissection. The PIN's entrance and exit points from the supinator were depicted. The distances between the tip of the radial head (RH) and the AF and the exit point of the PIN from the supinator were measured. Further, it was checked if the borders of the AF and the exit point were muscular, tendinous or a combination of these. The interval between the PIN's entry into the supinator and the tip of the RH was at a mean of 28.9mm. Concerning the border of the AF, in 54 cases a muscular and in 46 specimens a tendinous version could be observed. The interval between the exit point of the PIN and the tip of the RH proved to be at a mean of 64.2mm. Further, the exit's border was muscular in 65 specimens and tendinous in 35 cases. During surgical treatment of the PIN syndrome, it needs to be kept in mind that approximately one-third of all patients might also suffer from entrapment at the exit point of the PIN.

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