Previous articleNext article No AccessThe Fourth Dimension: Kinlessness and African American NarrativeNancy BentleyNancy Bentley Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUSFull Text Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Critical Inquiry Volume 35, Number 2Winter 2009 Article DOI Views: 249Total views on this site Citations: 62Citations are reported from Crossref © 2008 by The University of Chicago. 0093‐1896/09/3502‐0001$10.00. All rights reserved.PDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:Katharina Fackler, Silvia Schultermandl Kinship as critical idiom in oceanic studies, Atlantic Studies 72 (Jun 2022): 1–31.écile Roudeau, Nancy Bentley Re-thinking and Re-making Kinship—a Critical Reevaluation of the Narratives of (American) Modernity: An Interview with Nancy Bentley, Transatlantica , no.Hors-sérieHors-série (Sep 2021). Refusing Demography, (May 2021): 1–27. Accounting for the “Most Excruciating Torment”, (May 2021): 141–169. “The Division of the Captives”, (May 2021): 170–206. “Treacherous Rogues”, (May 2021): 207–244. Madness, (May 2021): 245–255. Bibliography, (May 2021): 257–281. Introduction, (Mar 2021): 1–25. On “Godly Family” and “Family Roots”, (Mar 2021): 27–55. Moving against the Grain, (Mar 2021): 57–82. Black Like Me? Or Christian Like Me?, (Mar 2021): 83–106. Bible Study, Fraternalism, and the Making of Interpretive Community, (Mar 2021): 107–134. Churchwomen and the Incorporation of Church and Home, (Mar 2021): 135–166. Black Evangelicals, “the Family,” and Confessional Intimacy, (Mar 2021): 167–198. Conclusion, (Mar 2021): 199–211. Notes, (Mar 2021): 213–228. References, (Mar 2021): 229–245. “The Thing Looked Absurd”, (Jan 2021): 1–16. “To Become a Colored Man”, (Jan 2021): 17–37. “A Chapter of Political Philosophy Applicable to the American People”, (Jan 2021): 38–54. “One Method for Expressing Opposite Emotions”, (Jan 2021): 55–81. “Assault Compels Defense”, (Jan 2021): 82–100. “A Living Root, Not a Twig Broken Off”, (Jan 2021): 101–123. “Somebody’s Child”, (Jan 2021): 124–158. “Nothing Less than a Radical Revolution”, (Jan 2021): 159–187. “That Strange, Mysterious, and Indescribable”, (Jan 2021): 188–205. Notes, (Jan 2021): 207–242. Bibliography, (Jan 2021): 243–261. Sheehan “Fraud, Fun, and Feeling”: Slavery, Industrialism, and the Mother-Machine in Frances Trollope's Fiction, Victorian Literature and Culture 48, no.33 (Aug 2020): 519–550. Genealogies of Interracial Kinship, (Jan 2020): 1–25. Blackface Desdemona, or, the White Woman “Begrimed”, (Jan 2020): 29–54. “Almost Eliza”, (Jan 2020): 55–82. Mothers and Mammies, (Jan 2020): 85–118. Kinfullness, (Jan 2020): 119–157. Mary Jemison’s Cabin, (Jan 2020): 161–194. Racial (Re)Construction, (Jan 2020): 195–228. “Minus Bloodlines”, (Jan 2020): 229–244. Notes, (Jan 2020): 245–282. Bibliography, (Jan 2020): 283–298. Introduction, (Jan 2019): 1–14. On the Impasse, (Jan 2019): 15–72. Fungible Becoming, (Jan 2019): 73–116. Carceral Space and Fugitive Motion, (Jan 2019): 117–167. The Maroon Matrix, (Jan 2019): 168–219. Diplomacy in the Undercommons, (Jan 2019): 220–231. Notes, (Jan 2019): 233–286. Bibliography, (Jan 2019): 287–312. Heintz The Crisis of Kinship, GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 23, no.22 (Apr 2017): 221–246. Cottrell At the end of the trade: obeah and black women in the colonial imaginary, Atlantic Studies 12, no.22 (Jun 2015): 200–218. Maddock Dillon Reassembling the Novel: Kinlessness and the Novel of the Haitian Revolution, Novel 47, no.11 (May 2014): 167–185. Pratt Early American Literature and Its Exclusions, PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 128, no.44 (Oct 2020): 983–988. Pratt “I Am a Stranger with Thee”: Frederick Douglass and Recognition After 1845, American Literature 85, no.22 (Jun 2013): 247–272. Introduction, (Jan 2012): 1–35. Doing Justice with Objects, (Jan 2012): 36–90. Telling Time, (Jan 2012): 91–136. The Political Conscious, (Jan 2012): 137–196. Refusing Identification, (Jan 2012): 197–238. Critical Kinship, (Jan 2012): 239–300. The Vertigo of Critique, (Jan 2012): 301–343. BIBLIOGRAPHY, (Jan 2012): 345–389. Bibliography, (): 313–340.
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