Recently, word enhancement has become very popular for Chinese Named Entity Recognition (NER), reducing segmentation errors and increasing the semantic and boundary information of Chinese words. However, these methods tend to ignore the semantic relationship before and after the sentence after integrating lexical information. Therefore, the regularity of word length information has not been fully explored in various word-character fusion methods. In this work, we propose a Lexicon-Attention and Data-Augmentation (LADA) method for Chinese NER. We discuss the challenges of using existing methods in incorporating word information for NER and show how our proposed methods could be leveraged to overcome those challenges. LADA is based on a Transformer Encoder that utilizes lexicon to construct a directed graph and fuses word information through updating the optimal edge of the graph. Specially, we introduce the advanced data augmentation method to obtain the optimal representation for the NER task. Experimental results show that the augmentation done using LADA can considerably boost the performance of our NER system and achieve significantly better results than previous state-of-the-art methods and variant models in the literature on four publicly available NER datasets, namely Resume, MSRA, Weibo, and OntoNotes v4. We also observe better generalization and application to a real-world setting from LADA on multi-source complex entities.
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