When we read the title in ancient books we naturally think of a work like that of Ovid, a work containing a fairly large number of separate myths, generally quite short, and relating, in almost every case, to some ancient and frankly mythical character. The of Ovid, the MEraliopofXc'o-ewc 2vva,7ywy of Antoninus Liberalis, and a short list in Westermann's Paradoxographi Graeci are, I believe, the only published remains of this literature. Other books entitled Metamorphoses are known to us from citations in Antoninus, Suidas, and the grammarians, under the names of Parthenius, Didymarchus, Nestor of Laranda, Theodorus, and the sophist Hadrian. To be sure, some of these are otherwise mere names to us, but it is nevertheless certain, from the manner in which they are cited, that their books dealt with the same sort of material as Ovid's. Among other books of the same class, though with different titles, may be mentioned the earlier works of Nicander ('ErEpoLov,i4Eva), Antigonus ('AXXotL.o-els), and Boius ('OphLOo'yovta), from some of which Ovid undoubtedly derived suggestions and material for his own work. Now obviously all of these books belong to a definite category. They represent a distinct and well-defined literary tradition centering about the title Metamorphoses. Their purpose was no doubt often artistic and epideictic, for many of them were written in verse. But they also had a didactic purpose. They were intended to familiarize the budding rhetorician with classical mythology, to provide him with a handbook of the stock materials indispensable to the professional sophist.' In view of this literary tradition, anyone reading Apuleius for the first time experiences some surprise; for he finds that Apuleius' work differs toto caelo from other books of the same title. Instead of
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