Experiments were carried out in farms of various forms of ownership of the Volgograd, Saratov regions and the Chechen Republic. The degree of spread and the mechanism of development of metrite in cows after abortus, prolapsis uteri and retenzia secundarum have been established. Metritis in cows after delivery as a result of abortus, prolapsis uteri and retenzia secundarum is accompanied by an increased microbial and fungal background of the uterus, which is represented by various associations of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms and microscopic fungi in symbiotic relations. Microbiological studies of sterile samples were carried out by sowing on MPA, MPB, blood agar, MPA with 1% glucose solution, Endo, Koda and Saburo media. The identification of microorganisms and their species belonging, taking into account their morphological, cultural, tinctorial and biochemical properties, was established, guided by the "Short Determinant of Berga Bacteria" (1980), fungi - according to the methodology of N. A. Spesivtseva (1964). In cows without delivery during childbirth, during microbiological examination in the first three days after childbirth, pathogenic microorganisms were not isolated from uterine samples. Only from day 5 after delivery in 35% of cows were the genitals contaminated with various non-pathogenic microflora. In birthing cows, 14 species of bacteria were isolated during microbiological examination of the contents of the genitals, which in 84.5% of cases were contaminated with pathogenic microflora. The following bacteria S. aureus were isolated in 25% of cases, E. coli in 47%, K. pneumonia - 18% and S. pyogenes in 10% of cases. In cows after abortus, prolapsis uteri or retenzia secundarum, uterine contents in 100% were contaminated with pathogens such as S. aureus in 28% of cases, E. coli - 49%, Pr. mirabilis - 10%, K. pneumoniae - 8% and S. pyogenes - 5% of cases. The results of mycological studies found that microscopic fungi were isolated in cows as a result of abortus, prolapsis uteri or retenzia secundarum: mold - A. fumigatus and yeast - C. albicans and C. Crusei.