Numbers and Seasonal Activity of the Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) on the Kolut Fishpond (NW Serbia) Breeding numbers, breeding success, migration dynamic and moulting numbers of the Mute Swan were analysed on the Kolut fishpond in NW Serbia. Between 1999 and 2004, 112 excursions to the fishpond have been organized, when entire water surface has been surveyed and all individuals counted. In the study period 2-3 pairs bred on the fishpond, rearing 55 chicks in total (4.3 chicks per breeding pair). Birds have not been observed on the fishpond during January, but typically large flocks appeared immediately after ice melting. After spring peak in the first decade of February, numbers dropped and were low up to the second peak of non-breeding and pre-breeding individuals which occurred in May. During moulting period 3-61 Mute Swans were present. After sharp transition in numbers between moulting period and autumn migration, numbers of swans using study area for stopover site during autumn migration remained low.
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