Abstract. The comprehensive and harmonious development of a child is linked to their morphological-functional, physical, somatic, mental, and other individual characteristics. Based on this, we considered it necessary, within the framework of a pedagogical experiment, to analyze how subjectively parents assess their children's speech development. Subsequently, for further analysis of the correctional process technology which effectively forms the basis of dance-cognitive education – thus being constantly perfected and practically applied – we deemed it essential to identify certain features of the musical-creative and physical development of children at the initial stage of their preschool education. Objective: to identify the psychophysical and speech characteristics of children’s development, define the specifics of their musical-creative and physical education, in order to develop a further strategy for conducting classes with elements of dance exercises that address speech correction. Subjects: 87 parents of children aged 4–6 years. To study the parameters of speech development and create a characterization of musical- creative and physical education for children, we used the questionnaire survey method. Analysis of the survey data revealed that, despite parents' evident interest in their child’s speech development, not all of them understand their role in the process of speech formation. It was also identified that at the early stages of development, children’s cognitive interests play a predominant role. The results of the survey allowed us to determine the main strategy for physical education for preschoolers with speech disorders, based on the technology we developed for correcting speech impairments through classes incorporating dance exercises. In this aspect, classes with dance elements can creatively fulfill this need, develop a sense of rhythm, strengthen the skeletal and muscular systems, and stimulate memory, attention, thinking, and imagination. This experience may further assist children in successfully mastering various artistic-creative and sports activities such as choreography, theatre arts, playing musical instruments, gymnastics, etc. Among other benefits, dance-corrective exercises involve the use of both short-term and long-term memory to memorize and reproduce dance figures. These exercises impact the activity of motor neurons in the cerebral cortex, thereby developing motor centers. Constant changes in sequences and rhythms in dance stimulate brain neurons, enhancing the functional flexibility of neural processes. Further research – conduct an analysis of the results of assessing speech and psychophysical development, cognitive functions and dance abilities of preschool children at the initial stage of education.
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