Math fact fluency is foundational for later mathematics education. Unfortunately, many students across the nation continue to struggle with these core skills. Computer-assisted instruction may be a potentially valuable tool for improving math fact fluency due to its ability to differentiate instruction at the student level, provide added practice opportunities, and improve student interest and motivation. However, research is currently lacking to demonstrate the effectiveness of many computer-assisted interventions. One such program is Timez Attack by Imagine Math Facts, a multiplication fact fluency training program for elementary-age students. Using a multiple baseline across groups design, we sought to determine the effectiveness of Timez Attack in improving math fact fluency in third-grade students. We randomly assigned 63 students to three study groups and regularly assessed for multiplication fact fluency for 12 weeks. Compared to baseline averages, all three study groups demonstrated improved multiplication fact fluency following the onset of the intervention phase. Further, performance during a follow-up maintenance phase demonstrated persistence of learning. The results of this study suggest that Timez Attack may be an effective computer-assisted instruction option for improving multiplication fact fluency in elementary-age students.