Abstract A four-port ultra-wideband (UWB) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna with three notch bands is proposed in this work. The antenna uses ultra-thin flexible material liquid crystal polymer (LCP) as the substrate. Four identical monopole radiators are designed in this proposed antenna system. The notch bands of the antenna are generated by adding complementary split ring resonator (CSRR) and ring branch. A cross-shaped stub is set in the center of the four antenna units to enhance the isolation. The measured bandwidth of the antenna is 2.54–10.69 GHz, filtering out three notch frequency bands of 2.81–3.85, 5.11–5.98, and 7.34–8.69 GHz. The isolation in the entire working frequency is better than 22 dB. The bent performances of the MIMO system and the specific absorption rate (SAR) value are analyzed. The low SAR values, low envelope correlation coefficient (<0.05), high diversity gain (>9.999), and stable gain of the proposed antenna indicate that in UWB-MIMO systems and wearable Internet of Things applications, it can be widely used.
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