This work explains an efficient combination of the artificial magnetic conductor (AMC) based metasurface (MS) and metamaterial (MTM) based superstrate inserting between the two sides of a radiating monopole antenna applicable for C-band airborne application. The antenna is based on low volume and multilayer configuration on which a compact AMC-MS reflector is placed below the radiator antenna and reflective type MTM superstrate placed above the radiating antenna forming a resonant cavity for obtaining enhanced impedance bandwidth (IBW), miniaturized antenna dimensions with lower antenna volume compared with existing multilayer antenna designs. The final MTM superstrate-loaded antenna provides a total size of 32 mm × 32 mm × 16.8 mm. Due to MTM superstrate loading, the final antenna provides an extended IBW of 15.64%, an improved gain of 7.26 dBi, and higher gain-to-area ratio of 16.42 by maintaining the compactness. Moreover, the final antenna provides positive gain values better than 2.18 dBi for theta = ± 45° and phi = 0°–360° for the complete working band. Hence, the proposed cavity resonator antenna can be easily fitted inside the airborne devices and provide an excellent broadside radiation performance.
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