The telecommunications network is changing from TDM-based legacy to IP, which is designed to improve capacity, improve quality and efficiency, and provide more diverse and integrated services. IP technology supports the presence of new services demanding wide bandwidth, high data rates, global connectivity, investment and operational cost savings, backbone network efficiency, and support for convergence. The interconnection technology also changed from TDM based to IP based interconnection. IP-based interconnection can ensure the occurrence of any-to-any and end-to-end relationships, as well as non-discriminatory behaviors that are cost-based and maintain a healthy competitive climate. Future interconnection parameters must be able to anticipate multi-service environments, any-to-any, and not just network to the network again, but also to network to applications and between applications. Indonesia has not yet initiated IP -based interconnection. In this research will be an academic study of telecommunication operator infrastructure readiness to IP -based interconnection, migration strategy, and regulatory proposals. The study was conducted by conducting IP -based interconnection comparisons in several other countries, conducting focus group discussions and deep interviews with stakeholders including regulators, operators and vendors. The resulting studies include a migration strategy towards IP -based interconnection and proposed regulatory aspects that must be present. From the results of the study found that IP -based interconnection should be done gradually by considering the readiness of operators, interconnection with the concept of hubbing / IPX is an effective way to go based on IP.
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