Generic controllers for self-adaptive systems can be configured parametrically according to system needs, even though their reuse is restricted because of the wide range of services that may be provided by each stage of a feedback control loop, like MAPE-K. Rainbow is a typical example of such a generic, monolithic controller. This article revisits and extends prior work that advocates structurally flexible controllers, as ensembles of micro-controllers each providing specific services. We experimented with our approach with three different architectural configurations for the controller: monolithic, decentralised, and decentralised with a meta-controller. Our results indicate that despite the decentralised configuration with a meta-controller demanding more computational resources, it performed comparatively well compared to the other configurations, including when measuring the target system’s response time. Moreover, we found that variations of the control loop timing at the different layers of the controller impact the stability of the target system. We have also evolved the controller by adding a new micro-controller, which caused no impact on the other micro-controllers, and mostly kept the target system’s performance. We conclude that a multi-layered controller design, based on micro-controllers, provides the basis for defining structurally flexible controllers at operational-time, and may promote reuse at development-time.
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