This paper introduces a multiphysics code, named nemoFoam, designed within the OpenFOAM environment to address the coupling of neutron and photon transport with thermal-hydraulics in nuclear reactor simulations. The code, conceived both for fusion and fission applications, employs a modular approach where the neutronic module is currently based on multi-group neutron diffusion equations, including a mono-kinetic treatment for photons. The thermal-hydraulic module is built on the standard OpenFOAM solver. The paper focuses on presenting the key features of nemoFoam and discussing the structure of the code, the nuclear and thermal-hydraulic models, and the coupling strategy between them.In order to assess the performance of the neutronic module, the code is applied to a fusion case study, indeed a benchmark against the Serpent Monte Carlo code for neutron and photon transport is performed, applying nemoFoam to the Affordable, Robust and Compact (ARC) fusion reactor design. Simulation results demonstrate good agreement with Monte Carlo benchmarks, emphasizing the potential of the code for multiphysics simulations. The modular design of nemoFoam allows users to extend the implemented model equations to study additional phenomena, focus only on selected aspects independently and, potentially, to add new solvers in each module.
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