Pieces of information about the physical and electronic properties of diamond-like carbon (DLC) interfacial-layered Schottky devices are crucial because DLC is known for its durability against harsh conditions such as high voltage, high temperature, and radiative environments. Therefore, this study focused on determining some critical properties of DCL interlayered Schottky devices, such as current-conduction mechanisms (CCMs) and the shape of the barrier height of the device. Some graphics, such as n-ΦB0vs T, ΦB0vs n, ΦB0vs q/2kT, 1/n−1vs q/2kT, and ln(I0/T2-(qσs)/2k2T2vs kT/q were obtained from the temperature-dependent current-voltage (I–V-T) data to determine the shape of the barrier height (BH) and to understand CCMs of this MIS-type device. Obtained results revealed that the device exhibited different behaviours in three different temperature regions: 80–170 K, 200–290 K and 320–410 K, which were called Low Temperatures (LTs), Moderate Temperatures (MTs) and High Temperatures (HTs), respectively. It was also observed that all these graphs exhibited linear behaviour separately for these three temperature regions. Therefore, these results showed that the barrier shape of this DLC interlayered Schottky device is not homogeneous, and it has a Multi-Gaussian distribution due to three different linear behaviours. On the other hand, in addition to the Thermionic Emission (TE) mechanism, it was also understood that Field Emission (FE) and Thermionic Field Emission (TFE) mechanisms, known as Quantum Mechanical Tunnelling (QMT) mechanisms, were effective current conduction mechanisms, especially at low and moderate temperatures for this device.
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