Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) have been proposed as an ecological alternative to optoelectronic systems for obtaining human body joint kinematics. Tremendous work has been done to reduce differences between kinematics obtained with IMUs and optoelectronic systems, by improving sensor-to-segment calibration, fusion algorithms, and by using Multibody Kinematics Optimization (MKO). However, these improvements seem to reach a barrier, particularly on transverse and frontal planes. Inspired by marker-based MKO approach performed via OpenSim, this study proposes to test whether IMU redundancy with MKO could improve lower-limb kinematics obtained from IMUs. For this study, five subjects were equipped with 11 IMUs and 30 reflective markers tracked by 18 optoelectronic cameras. They then performed gait, cycling, and running actions. Four different lower-limb kinematics were computed: one kinematics based on markers after MKO, one kinematics based on IMUs without MKO, and two based on IMUs after MKO performed with OpenSense (one with, and one without, sensor redundancy). Kinematics were compared via Root Mean Square Difference and correlation coefficients to kinematics based on markers after MKO. Results showed that redundancy does not reduce differences with the kinematics based on markers after MKO on frontal and transverse planes comparatively to classic IMU MKO. Sensor redundancy does not seem to impact lower-limb kinematics on frontal and transverse planes, due to the likelihood of the “rigid component” of soft-tissue artefact impacting all sensors located on one segment.
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