Motivational discourses counseling and therapeutic practices: Motivational discourses often emerge the process of psychological counseling. The group of motivational discourses includes all clients' problems-complaints-queries, regarding causation of their own behavior. Their themes could be: a cause of defined behavior, or its purpose; the internal or external causes, which are not imminent to the client.Motivational discourses appear on three levels of conflicts (Peseschkian, 2000). At the level of actual conflict it appears as part of the client's life situation here-and-now. There are such themes as desire or unwillingness something-someone clients' own life, client's inability to make a choice or decision, uncertainty purposes, even - finding the meaning of life. All of these themes coupled with the questions why?, for what or whom? or with the statement because ... , in order to... . At the level of internal conflict motivational discourse becomes a motivational conflict with hard polarity.Poles of such motivational conflicts are often located different spheres of life: body, achievement, contacts, future/fantasy. There are problems of the choice between spheres of life, the development of different abilities etc. At the level of basic conflict motivational discourse stays bipolar, and becomes a conflict between dispositional motives or between motives and society. At that level a person could fail to find a balance between the motives of achieving success and avoiding failure (see McClelland, 1987), jam on some of the levels of the motivational pyramid (see Maslow, 1997), the inability to live a situation of self-determination (see SDT-theory by Deci & Ryan, 2008).Of course, every conflict has a continuous nature, the source of which - at a basic level, and the actual level we meet with situational representations. Therefore, when working with motivational discourses, several remarks must be formulated:1. Motivation has a close relationship with the deep human needs. So it is very easy to find access from the current conflict into the basic conflict. It is good psychotherapy; however, is not always right the counseling.2. Motivation is also close to the values, so it is pretty easy to have access to the theme of existential level. Again, it is good, only if the psychologist and the client are ready such work.3. Using motivational circuits of the sentences because-of... (Um-zu...) and in- order-to... (Weil...) (see Luckman & Schutz, 2003) can help the counselor to control the depth of the process. The sentence in- order-to... keeps up at the present, actual situation and can guide to the future. The sentence because-of... guides into the depth, the past, into the level of motivation and basic needs.Motivational conflict as part of the motivational discourse: Motivational conflict can be recognized as a situation which subjects are simultaneously acted out by oppositely directed forces of an equal magnitude (by Lewin, 1935). K. Lewin offers three options motivational conflicts.1. Motivational conflict - achievement : there are two or more goals, each of which has the same value, but cannot be reached together. For example, a client wants to increase sales and at the same time - wants to have more time family.2. Motivational conflict - avoidance : there are two or more goals are equally unattractive, but are necessary to make a choice. This situation is a choice of two evils, example, it can be a choice between two or more unattractive works.3. Conflict - achievement : one and the same goal both attracts and frightens. This is the situation of ambivalence, which, example, is shown at a purchase of attractive (for various reasons), but too expensive things.The basic parameters that allow person to opt, by Lewin, are the value of purpose and the distance to them (spatial and temporal). …
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