In recent years, the preference for using lead-free radiation protection shields has increased because of concerns regarding lead poisoning and leakage. In medical and research laboratories, glass shields are preferred because of their transparency. In this study, various glass shields were examined and compared based on the international standards. One commercially available lead-based shield, four recently studied shields, and three new lead-free shields were considered, and their shielding factors were calculated. We presented three glasses based on borate, phosphate, and silicate compounds, which were named Ir1, Ir2, and Ir3, respectively. Based on the International Electrotechnical Commission standard (IEC 61331), the air-kerma ratios (attenuation ratios) and lead equivalent values were derived using Monte Carlo N-Particle eXtended (MCNPX) calculations, and mass attenuation coefficients and effective atomic numbers (Zeff) of all the shields were obtained from XCOM database, in the diagnostic X-ray energy range of 40-120keV. In addition, some measurements were performed for the reference (lead-based) glass to validate the simulations. The above-mentioned factors for silicate-bismuth-based (Ir3) and borosilicate-barium-based (Tu) glasses were found to be higher than the others and comparable to those of commercially available lead-based glass. In conclusion, Ir3 and Tu glasses were found to be the preferred lead-free transparent shields in the diagnostic X-ray energy range.