Abstract We present simulation results examining the presence and behavior of standing shocks in zero-energy low angular momentum advective accretion flows and explore their (in)stabilities properties taking into account various specific angular momentum, $\lambda_0$. Within the range $10-50R_g$ (where $R_g$ denotes the Schwarzschild radius), shocks are discernible for $\lambda_0\geq 1.75$. In the special relativistic hydrodynamic (RHD) simulation when $\lambda_0 = 1.8$, we find the merger of two shocks resulted in a dramatic increase in luminosity. We present the impact of external and internal flow collisions from the funnel region on luminosity. Notably, oscillatory behavior characterizes shocks within $1.70 \leq \lambda_0 \leq 1.80$. Using free-free emission as a proxy for analysis, we shows that the luminosity oscillations between frequencies of $0.1-10$ Hz for the black hole mass range $1.7 \leq \lambda_0 \leq 1.80$. These findings offer insights into quasi-periodic oscillations emissions from certain black hole X-ray binaries, exemplified by GX 339-4. Furthermore, for the supermassive black hole at the Milky Way's center, Sgr A*, oscillation frequencies between $10^{-6}$ and $10^{-5}$ Hz were observed. This frequency range, translating to one cycle every few days, aligns with observational data from the X-ray telescopes such as Chandra, Swift, and XMM-Newton.
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