DOI: 10.15414/afz.2014.17.04.109–114 Received 5. June 2014 ǀ Accepted 1. October 2014 ǀ Available online 24. November 2014 We evaluated the effects of exogenous and endogenous factors on the formation of soil crust in arable soils ofSlovakia. Soil samples for determination of selected soil organic matter parameters, physical properties – particularly soil crust, were collected from localities Dražovce, Bucany and Jacovce (different soil – climatic conditions on each site) in spring 2012. The results showed that organic fertilization decreased the formation and thickness of soil crust. According to the susceptibility to crust formation, studied soils were ranged in a decreasing order: Calcaric Chernozem > Stagni-Haplic Luvisol > Rendzic Leptosol > Mollic Fluvisol. The thickness of soil crust significantly depended on cultivated crops. The most favourable value of index of crusting was calculated in the field with grown spring barley, following by pea < oil rape < winter wheat. We determined negative correlation between clay and index of crusting (r=-0.880, P≤0.01). Higher formation of soil crust was determined in soil with higher content of water-stable micro-aggregates (r=0.799, P≤0.05) and smaller size fractions of water-stable macro-aggregates in size fractions 0.25-0.5 mm(r=0.865, P≤0.01). Higher content of soil organic matter of rather stabile than labile form resulted to reduction of crust thickness as well as decreased the index of crusting. Keywords : index of crusting, soil structure, soil organic matter, soil types, organic fertilization, crops
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