Abstract Pummerer, Andriessen, and Gündel published a work with this title which contains a number of remarks about the communication of Staudinger, Asano, Bondy, and Signer. The following discussion deals with this subject. 1. Molecular Weight Determinations of Rubber in Camphor according to East Determinations of the molecular weight of rubber in camphor cannot explain the constitution of rubber because, as has been explained before, when rubber is heated in melted camphor, at 170°-180°, a very pronounced decomposition of the rubber to semi-colloidal cleavage products takes place. The rubber molecule is very unstable as a consequence of the peculiar position of the double bonds in the chain; cleavage takes place with extraordinary ease, and attention has already been called to the fact that the cleavage of hexaphenylethane into triphenylmethyl, of dicyclopentadiene into cyclopentadiene, as well as the migration of the ally group, e. g., in phenylallyl ethers, the mobility of the substituents in allyl residues and finally the extremely easy depolymerization of rubber, all have one and the same cause: namely, that a substituent in the ally! group is very loosely combined. These facts, which are of such importance in the chemistry of rubber, should not be ignored as happens in most works on rubber. In order to study the decomposition, we carried out viscosity determinations. As the following experiments show, the viscosity of rubber is much less after melting in camphor than before. There occurred a very great decomposition at 170°, as was to be expected, and the relation t1/t2 which characterizes the decomposition is about 15. If pure rubber is decomposed in boiling tetralin the relation t1/t2 = 6.2. The decomposition in camphor is, therefore, surprisingly great, possibly because of the greater concentration of the dissolved rubber. The camphor solution used was 10 per cent, that of tetralin on the contrary was only 1 per cent.
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