Water quality standards are instrumental in evaluating the status of water bodies, and in providing protective and restorative endpoints. To date, much of the infrastructure used to implement water quality standards has been directed towards remediating and managing pollution from point source discharges. However, pollution from diffuse sources is the leading cause of water quality impairment, especially by nutrients. Although the effects of nutrient enrichment on streams is well studied, and ecological thresholds identified, those thresholds have not been widely adopted as standards primarily because they are not attainable by point sources. Clearly, a framework for adopting and applying standards to manage pollution from diffuse sources needs to be decoupled from those intended for point sources. This paper argues for a relatively unstructured distributional approach to predict how ecological responses might shift in response to management of diffuse sources. The approach calls for first developing a deterministic model of stressor and response variables, followed by a reformulation as a Bayesian model. In the case here, a structural equation model was developed that linked nutrient enrichment, habitat quality, and chloride and manganese concentrations to an index of macroinvertebrate quality. Results from the Bayesian representation suggest that in landscapes where the drainage network has been highly modified for agricultural production, reduction in total phosphorus alone is expected to have a modest (but non-trivial) effect on macroinvertebrate condition, shifting the distribution of scores up by 1 point. The addition of habitat restoration is likely to shift the distribution upwards by 4 points, an effect size observed in Ohio, USA from other large-scale restoration efforts.
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