The question of the linguistic and methodological status of the concept of “toponymy in the system of modern university education” is considered. The question is raised about the need for proper attention to toponymy as one of the levels of the lexical system in the process of mastering the system of relevant scientific concepts and categories of the modern Russian language. It is stated that the formation of the competencies provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education in the process of studying the discipline “Modern Russian Language” at a university is impossible in full, since the information presented does not fully correlate with the scientific understanding of lexical systematicity. The purpose of the article is to identify the main problems of toponymy associated with the linguistic and methodological status of this scientific specialization in the system of modern university education, to formulate theoretical principles that would contribute to increasing effectiveness in the process of professional training of bachelors. It has been proven that in connection with the actualization of state attention to the preservation of traditional moral values of the Russian ethnic group, the preservation of the historical memory of the people, the study of toponymic material seems especially relevant. in the course of studying modern Russian language. Toponyms are nothing more than ethnic memory, embodying the traditional worldview and view of the world of today. In connection with the above, toponymic information is relevant both in terms of history and geography; at the same time, this knowledge is also a mechanism for studying a certain linguistic culture. Thus, the multifunctionality of toponymy and onomastic awareness in general motivate the legitimacy of the “presence” of toponymy as a separate scientific specialization in the course of studying the modern Russian language. So, perhaps, it is the interdisciplinary nature of toponymy that has led to a number of problems, the solution of which will ensure the optimization of the course “Modern Russian Language” in terms of its theoretical content and contribute to the development of competencies in students that are required by the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
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