Introduction. This article presents the survey of current approaches to the investigation of the gist of the professional subjective position of future teachers. There some of the topical issues of the problem of differences of the target position of present-day educators and future pedagogues, and the development of their status are under discussion in terms of quasi professional activities. Goal. To substantiate theoretical specifics of the subjective-profession statement of a future teacher, to define its elements, and to describe its typology. Methodology and methods of the investigation. In the process of the study, the content of current Scientific Scholarship, i.e. articles, monographs and dissertations, on the problem under consideration within the last five years reflect the basis for conducting the content analysis. The analytical review of scientific literature of related sciences (pedagogy, psychology, sociology) and its comprehensive analysis focuses on the idea of current comprehension of the phenomenon of the “subjective-professional position of a teacher”, its structure and content. The results of the study. In this research the subjective-professional position of the personality of a future teacher, is interpreted as the integrative characteristic of the personality, reflecting a selective, initiative-responsible, transformative attitude towards the personality identity, to people, to their professional activity. The subjective-professional position of a future teacher covers the following structural components as cognitive, motivation-value, affective, regulatory-activity. According to the current status of these components, one can state the type of subjective and professional position of a future teacher as a contemplative-conformist position, a functional-effective position, a position of self-expression, a position of self-affirmation, a creative-transformation position. The subjective and professional position of a future teacher differs significantly from the subjective and professional position of an experienced educator. Conclusion. Thorough analysis of current Scientific Scholarship has given grounds for the statement that there are a lot of definitions for essentially the same phenomenon. Since the phenomenon under consideration is a complex, multidimensional psychological and pedagogical phenomenon, modern researchers focus on some specific facet of this phenomenon. As a result, we have the concepts of “pedagogical position of a teacher”, “professional and personal position of a teacher”, “subjective-professional position of a teacher”, and some other options that have appeared.
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