Introduction. One of the ways to improve the level of professional training of electrical engineers studying in higher educational institutions of Ukraine is to use in the educational process modern innovative switching equipment, protection, measurement and signaling equipment, etc. This gives students the opportunity to acquire a high level of training, which will allow them to improve their professional competence, contribute to their professional development, and allow them to become qualified specialists in later life. This direction of development of training requires a significant financial investment, which cannot be realized at the expense of public funds. At the Department of Electrical Apparatus of NTU «KhPI» it was possible to find alternative sources of funding – at the expense of an international grant and sponsorship from a number of electrical companies in Ukraine. The continuation of the selected vector of development is the development of laboratory work to study the causes of the occurrence of unacceptable deviations in the supply voltage in household premises and modern means of combating this dangerous phenomenon. Relevance. The need for students to study the problem of protecting household consumers from unacceptable voltage deviations in the power supply network is due to the fact that this is required by the current situation, which has developed with the technical condition of in-house distribution networks, which in most cases is extremely unsatisfactory. Unacceptable voltage deviations in the household network, depending on their level, can lead to a reduction in the service life of expensive electrical equipment, their failure, as well as a possible fire. Therefore, acquainting students in practice with the reasons for the occurrence of unacceptable voltage deviations in the household network, teaching them how to combat this phenomenon is an urgent task. Purpose. Design and manufacture of a laboratory stand for researching the causes of occurrence and means of dealing with unacceptable deviations in the supply voltage in domestic premises. Results. The developed laboratory stand allows students to study in detail the processes occurring in general in a three-phase electrical network after the break of the neutral N conductor, and to quantitatively analyze the level of voltage dips and overvoltages under asymmetrical load. Modern relays for the protection of household consumers ZUBR D32 and ADECS ADC-0110-32, used in the developed laboratory bench, allow students to familiarize themselves with the features of their installation, configuration, operation and functioning. Discussion. A laboratory stand developed at the Department of Electrical Apparatuses of NTU «KhPI» to study the causes of occurrence and means of combating unacceptable deviations of the supply voltage in household premises will increase the professional competence of students, contribute to their professional development, and will allow them to become qualified specialists in later life.
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