“The Renegadeness” is an intermediate culture. The modern «renegadeness», saturated with the corporate spirit, prays only to one god — Deception, considers that the triad: a pleasure, a esires and a consumption — are modus (modus vivendi) of his existence, and therefore remains at the lowest level of organic, for which “storm and onslaught” (according to Darwin and Schiller) was important (and remains) — emotions and violence — those spears that lead their colonus (holder) to success in a ‘primitive way’ — likening among similar ones. The Renegadeness, hustling and standing in line of robotics for artificial intelligence, reduces civilization to a “consumer basket”, hoping to sooth a headache by virtuality, developing pharmacological addiction, developing cosmic escapism, getting used to and not resisting artificial food and laziness, taking to the needle of “blissful idleness”, and proclaiming the manifesto of the generation “indolence” as “the last argument of the kings,” thus gaining for itself an estate equal in privilege to the aristocracy. And this simple packaging of “the bee`s knees” — the so-called elites — is now accessible to everyone thanks to anonymity, offshore zones, scattered on the planet by dandelion troops, usurious offers of banks, profanity of art and education, and spraying consumer goods. Fascitization by 'nox-culture' sets as its goal — “dislike for the native” — through contempt for it, which, with systematic use (frequent), and without proper immersion in the field of Knowledge (objective and universal), instills hatred — first in the minds, and then in the hearts, hardening and de-energizing the Mind, suppressing the Consciousness of others consciously, deliberately placing in the 'region of Darkness' by ignorance, forcing them to ВОПКУЛЬТ.РФ ? ВОПРОСЫ КУЛЬТУРОЛОГИИ ? 4 / 2024 ВОПРОСЫ ТЕОРИИ 323 instincts — by instincts stupefying, excluding 'independent comprehension' — totally. The word “fascist” was intended to denote people united in a single bundle (from Latin fascis — bunch, bundle) of a nationalist group — “fascists”, it is from “fascist” that the word “fascitization” (an noun of an abstract concept) follows, meaning “process” as the “activities" of a certain group of people — “fascists”. Fascitization by ‘nox-culture’ is the process of forming alien beliefs in the mental “environment” of a single person involved, using an integrated approach and systematic “dissimilarity”, the process of diminishing the “human” in a Human. And “human” in this context of reasoning should be taken as “a person's ability to mental activity”, which allows him to develop his own Consciousness to the size of the universe, creating writing, and helps to form “Culture” as a “sphere of knowledge and reflection of the world” and the space of his dwelling.
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