The Lalor deposit in Snow Lake, central Manitoba, is one of the most significant mineral discoveries in Canada in the past decade. Buried 600 m below the surface, the deposit remained undiscovered until a deep penetrating geophysical electromagnetic (EM) system was employed. Since then, the deposit has been a test site for many modern geophysical systems. This paper presents a comparative study of four EM data sets acquired at Lalor. We image the electrical conductivity structure of the subsurface by carrying out independent 3-D inversions of the data. The four data sets are acquired through airborne, surface, and borehole systems, including airborne natural source EM (ZTEM), airborne time-domain EM (HELITEM), surface large loop EM (SQUID), and borehole EM (PULSE-EM). ZTEM has good depth of penetration, but its inversion model may be biased if the background model is not properly chosen. The HELITEM system can complement ZTEM by validating the actual conductivity of the deposit. With the information provided by airborne surveys, surface EM can better define the geometry of the ore body at a local scale and help in defining drilling targets. Once boreholes are drilled, sensors can be sent downhole, possibly probing the ore lenses that are interbedded at a greater depth. Our 3-D imaging experiments demonstrate that modern geophysical technology is capable of making deep exploration and assisting a more informed process throughout the entire workflow from reconnaissance to drilling and development.
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