The present study dealt with the Land Use Land Cover (LULC) and built-up dynamics for four round-1 smart cities within a period of 20 years (2001–2021) using satellite-based remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques. The study also presented predictive aspects of built-up dynamics by the year 2031. Various layers contribute to urban growth viz. slope, population density, distance to Central Business District (CBD), major roads, and drainage were analyzed and prepared. The Cellular Automata (CA) model was applied using the previous years’ layers and the thematic ones to predict the spatial extent of the year 2031. Thresholds for all thematic layers based on spatial proximity were selected for various classes of these factors. Built-up change rate for all the four round-1 smart cities viz. Ahmedabad (the year 2001 ~ 183.79 km2, the year 2021 ~ 252.3 km2), Chennai (the year 2001 ~ 102.45 km2, the year 2021 ~ 137.07 km2), Jaipur (the year 2001 ~ 132.73 km2, the year 2021 ~ 221.71 km2) and Surat (the year 2001 ~ 97.73 km2, the year 2021 ~ 158.79 km2) has shown a dynamic growth from 2001–2021. The study also revealed transition states of land cover classes between 2021 and 2031. The comparison between actual and simulated changes for the year 2021 showed the model’s accuracy assessment. The estimates also revealed a continuous increment in the impervious state of the urban surface due to urban expansion. Thus, satellite image-based LULC classification, built-up mapping, and model-based prediction could be utilized for planning infrastructure development.
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