The launch of Copernicus, the largest Earth Observation program to date, is significant due to the regular, reliable and freely accessible data to support space-based geodetic monitoring of physical phenomena that can result in natural hazards. In this study, wide area interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) capability is demonstrated by processing 435 Copernicus Sentinel-1 C-Band SAR images (May 2015–May 2017) using the Intermittent Small Baseline Subset (ISBAS) method to produce a wide-area-map (WAM) covering 53,000 km2 of the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. The ISBAS-WAM contains over 19 million measurements, achieving a ground coverage of 94%. The retrieval of measurements over soft surfaces (i.e. agricultural fields, forests and wetlands) was crucial due the dominance of non-urban land cover. A statistical analysis of the velocities reveals that intermittently coherent measurements in rural areas can provide reliable, additional deformation information with a very high degree of confidence (5σ), which spatially correlates to known deformation features associated with compressible soils, infrastructure settlement, peat oxidation, gas production, salt mining and underground and opencast mining. The spatial distribution of deformations concurs with independent data sources, such as previous persistent scatterer interferometry (PSI) deformation maps, models of subsidence and settlement susceptibility, and quantitatively with GPS measurements over the Groningen gas field.Remotely derived deformation products, with near complete spatial coverage, provide a powerful screening tool for mitigation and remediation of geological and geotechnical issues to help in the protection of assets, property and life. The ISBAS-WAM demonstrates that routine generation of such products on a continental scale is now theoretically achievable, given the establishment of the Copernicus programme and the development of state-of-the-art InSAR methods, such as ISBAS.