It is aim of this work to acquire information useful to understand the trasborder transport of atmospheric trace elements passing through the Alps. To this end it is necessary to know with a good accuracy the atmospheric movements and their thermodynamic structure at the synoptic scale. With these objects in view, from the one hand a measuring campaign on the Western Alps (Sestrieres Pass) has been performed, during which the concentration of some gaseous constituents of the atmosphere (O3, NO x , SO2) and thermodynamic structure of the air masses which carried them have been measured; on the other hand, synoptic air trajectoris (based on the Reading ECMWF data) passing through that measuring station have been computed. Such calculations have been carried out by two algorithms: the first one computes the 3D air mass trajectory on the ground of the three wind velocity components only (which are known on the Reading model grid points). The second one behaves as the first one as far as the horizontal movement is concerned, but compels the atmosphere to move along surfaces of equal pseudopotential temperature (isentropic surface) in the vertical plane.