Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a group of node that would interrelate among each other through one multi-hop wireless link, wherein the nodes were able to move in response to sudden modifications. The objective of MANET routing protocol is to quantify the route and compute the best path, but there exists a major decrease in energy efficiency, difficulty in hop selection, cost estimation, and efficient load-balancing. In this paper, a novel least common multipath-based routing has been proposed. Multipath routing is used to find a multipath route from source and destination. Load balancing is of primary importance in the mobile ad-hoc networks, due to limited bandwidth among the nodes and the initiator of the load routing discovery phase in the multipath routing protocol. Fuzzy logic for load balancing multipath routing in MANETs is proposed, which ensures the data packets are sent through a path with the variance of binary sets to predict the original transformation of the data to be received in the system. The main objective of the proposed system is to reduce the routing time of data packets and avoid the traffic based on multipath source and destination. The experimental results have to verify 96.7% efficiency in balancing the load.
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