In this study, we investigated the effects of the sheet texture of the Mo underlayer on the c-axis texture of the high-rate-sputtered Nd2Fe14B phase. The magnetic properties revealed that the squareness of the Nd–Fe–B magnetic layer did not depend on the sheet texture of the Mo underlayer but on the substrate temperature: large squareness was obtained when the magnetic layer was sputtered at high substrate temperature above 500 °C. In-plane X-ray diffraction measurements indicated that the intensity of diffraction from the Nd2Fe14B (410) plane did not depend on the sheet texture of the Mo underlayer but on the substrate temperature: high intensity was obtained when the magnetic layer was sputtered at above 500 °C, which was consistent with magnetic properties. These results support that the c-axis texture of the high-rate-sputtered magnetic layer was driven by the c plane with the lowest surface energy among the crystal planes in the Nd2Fe14B phase.