The method of binary additive quasi-solvates (BAQS) a new approach for analyzing the physicochemical properties of solutions is proposed. Quasi-solvate Qij is a hypothetical two-particle structure in which one particle i is the ‘solute’ and the other particle j is the ‘solvent’. A set of similar quasi-solvates has the macroscopic property Fij. The solution is an additive mixture of quasi-solvates with weight functions wij. Two models have been developed within the BAQS method: with symmetric weight functions (BAQS/S) and with asymmetric weight functions (BAQS/A). On the example of volumetric properties of non-electrolyte solutions the possibilities of the method are shown. Effective limiting partial molar volumes of components for mixtures of non-electrolytes are determined. The possibility of predicting the properties of multicomponent solutions from data for two-component systems is considered. Applications to other solution properties are shown. Each of the proposed models has its own advantages and limitations. BAQS/S: describes molar volumes of mixtures, especially for aprotonic systems, can be used to predict properties of multicomponent systems, effective on small datasets. Limitations: applicability to other solution properties remains questionable, model parameters differ from those obtained by the independent method, approximation accuracy is inferior to empirical models. BAQS/A: applicable for any solution properties, informative and illustrative. Limitations: very sensitive to the choice of approximating equation, difficult to interpret results, developed only for two-component systems.
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