Six phase fields of interest in the M-C-N system (M = mixed U/Pu) with oxygen as impurity are: (i) U 1 − x 3 Pu x 3 (= M) + U 1 − x 1 Pu x 1 C 1 − y − z N y O z(= MCNO) , (ii) C + U 1 − x 2 Pu x 2 C 1.5 (= MC 1.5) , (iii)MC 1.5 + MCNO, (iv)C + MCNO, (V)UN 1.5 + MCNO and (vi)C + UN 1.5 + MCNO. In the present work a thennodynamic analysis has been carried out for all the six phase fields existing in the system with x 1−y−z and y varying from 0.0 to 1.0 and z as impurity from 0.0 to 0.15 at temperatures between 1500 and 2000 K. Results obtained are discussed in detail and compared with the reported measured data. Hitherto, thermodynamic properties for all the phase fields of M-C-N-O system have not been reported.
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