ABSTRACT Interferometric closure invariants, constructed from triangular loops of mixed Fourier components, capture calibration-independent information on source morphology. While a complete set of closure invariants is directly obtainable from measured visibilities, the inverse transformation from closure invariants to the source intensity distribution is not established. In this work, we demonstrate a deep learning approach, Deep learning Image Reconstruction with Closure Terms (DIReCT), to directly reconstruct the image from closure invariants. Trained on both well-defined mathematical shapes (two-dimensional Gaussians, discs, ellipses, m-rings) and natural images (CIFAR-10), the results from our specially designed model are insensitive to station-based corruptions and thermal noise. The median fidelity score between the reconstruction and the blurred ground truth achieved is $\gtrsim 0.9$ even for untrained morphologies, where a unit score denotes perfect reconstruction. In our validation tests, DIReCT’s results are comparable to other state-of-the-art deconvolution and regularized maximum-likelihood image reconstruction algorithms, with the advantage that DIR eCT does not require hand-tuned hyperparameters for each individual prediction. This independent approach shows promising results and offers a calibration-independent constraint on source morphology, ultimately complementing and improving the reliability of sparse very long baseline interferometry imaging results.
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