Abstract Six raised beds, 32 inches wide and 240 ft long on 6 ft centers, were prepared in a semiclosed subirrigated field: They were fumigated with 67/33% methyl bro-mide/chloropicrin at 220 lbs/acre, fertilized with a bottom mix of 700 lb/acre 5-16-8 and 250 lb/acre at 19-0-19 lb/acre top mix laid in 2 bands 4 inches in from the edge on each side of the bed and covered with black polyethylene mulch. An additional 40 lb of N/acre of 6-2-6 was injected on 16 May. Beds were divided into two, 3-row sets separated by a 15-ft roadway. The center row of each 3-row set was planted on 10 Mar to provide pest inoculum. The remaining 4 rows were each divided into 5 single row plots in a RCB design with 4 replications and planted 23 Apr by hand at 10 inch spacing. Five weekly applications were initiated 20 May using a high clearance sprayer equipped with 2 overhead nozzles fitted with ceramic Albuz “yellow” hollow cone noz-zles per row with delivery pressure of 200 psi at a rate of 22 gpa. A pre-treatment sample of 100 plants per block and 60 ears per inoculum row on 16 May showed that 24% plants were damaged (primarily by FAW) and 85% ears had CEW and 33% FAW. Foliar damage was evaluated weekly for 3 weeks on 20 randomly selected plants per plot after the initiation of the treatments. Damage was assessed as a percentage of the total loss from the top three leaves in the whorl. The number and size (in 3 categories) of larvae in each whorl was noted. Ears were harvested on 20 and 26 Jun from the same 20 plants in the center of each plot. Ears were evaluated for marketability noting total weight of ears in each category. Nonmarketable ears were further examined and any larvae present identified to species.