By noticing the fact that the charged leptons and quarks in the standard model are chirality-based Dirac spinors since their weak interaction violates maximally parity symmetry though they behave as Dirac fermions in electromagnetic interaction, we show that such a chirality-based Dirac spinor possesses not only electric charge gauge symmetry U(1) but also inhomogeneous spin gauge symmetry WS(1,3) = SP(1,3)$\rtimes$W$^{1,3}$, which reveals the nature of gravity and spacetime. The gravitational force and spin gauge force are governed by the gauge symmetries $W^{1,3}$ and SP(1,3), respectively, and a biframe spacetime with globally flat Minkowski spacetime as base spacetime and locally flat gravigauge spacetime as a fiber is described by the gravigauge field through emergent non-commutative geometry. The gauge-geometry duality and renormalizability in gravitational quantum field theory (GQFT) are carefully discussed. A detailed analysis and systematic investigation on gravidynamics and spinodynamics as well as electrodynamics are carried out within the framework of GQFT. A full discussion on the generalized Dirac equation and Maxwell equation as well as Einstein equation and spin gauge equation is made in biframe spacetime. New effects of gravidynamics as extension of general relativity are particularly analyzed. All dynamic equations of basic fields are demonstrated to preserve the spin gauge covariance and general coordinate covariance due to the spin gauge symmetry and emergent general linear group symmetry GL(1,3,R), so they hold naturally in any spinning reference frame and motional reference frame.
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