The history of the functioning and development of the domestic military-industrial complex is one of the little-studied pages of the military history of Russia. One of its aspects is the history of the national institute of military acceptance. This publication reveals the experience of organizing quality control and acceptance of mortars and mines by the military representation of the Red Army Main Artillery Directorate at the Kuznetsk Textile Machinery Plant (Plant No. 748) in 1941–1943. The main problems faced by production in the second half of 1941 are characterized. The measures implemented by the enterprise and the military representation in the first period of the war, which were aimed at expanding the manufacture of military products as well as reducing their defects, are analyzed and evaluated. Historical-genetic and systemic methods were used in the preparation of the publication. Statistical method was applied as an auxiliary one. It is concluded that during the war, the military representative office was forced to deal with both quality control and acceptance of military products and assistance to the enterprise in mastering the production of mortars and mines. Military inspectors had to balance the need to increase the manufacture of military products and maintain their quality at the proper level. By the end of 1942, the production of military products at Kuztextilmash was established. According to the author, plant No. 748 and the city of Kuznetsk itself made a significant contribution to the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.
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