
War as a social phenomenon has marked the history of mankind, therefore it is often rightly said that the history of civilization is actually the history of warfare. War and warfare changed its role, its goals and means, and it went from skill or even art as Sun Tzu wrote about it, then Machiavelli who promoted pragmatism as the main characteristic of what he would call the art of government and warfare, to Clausewitz's understanding which is particularly relevant today and which combines war with politics.Therefore, the reason for war is not found in resources, nor in the creation of a community, but either in the war itself or in the lack of political solutions. Although armed operations always come to the fore, because that is what marks it, war also has a whole series of other dimensions - legal, psychological, sociological, social, economic, cultural, and others. Therefore, it can be discussed from various angles, just as, on the other hand, various types of wars can be identified, and not only in a purely military sense. The war (special operation) in Ukraine causes different interpretations. For some it is a just and necessary intervention, for others it is an illegal and unjust armed attack by Russia on a sovereign state. This paper intends to review the different understandings of just and unjust war, and to apply it to the case of Ukraine. Key words: Just, unjust war, types of wars, Ukraine, Russia

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