That the large number of Tulungagung people who choose to become migrant workers abroad indicates that the wheels of economic development are still not optimal. The industry has not yet developed rapidly, so the government needs to create a quality business and investment climate by providing incentives and ease of investment and business, so that it can create and open up new jobs as widely as possible for the people that the large number of people who choose to become migrant workers abroad indicates that the wheels of economic development are still not optimal. The industry has not yet developed rapidly, so the Tulungagung Regency Government needs to create a quality business and investment climate by providing incentives and ease of investment and business, so that it can create and open up new jobs as widely as possible for the people. Through the interview method with the research subjects, there is a phenomenon that requires a new, better cultural building due to the impact of the culture of going to work abroad. This study found the fact of omission culture, which means the neglect or acceptance of the actions of migrant workers, both negative and positive, as a form of tolerance for their profession as migrant workers. This omission migrant culture is often found in migrant worker families who tolerate 1. Infidelity, changing partners, temporarily changing partners and/or returning to the original partner and/or changing partners permanently 2. Neglect if the children of the worker's family members are not cared for.
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