Large format high resolution high transmission SIMS instruments, which include the Anutech SHRIMP and Cameca IMS 1270 ion microprobes, were designed to have the mass resolution and sensitivity required for in situ U/Pb dating of individual zircon crystals. This capability has been applied to other types of geochronology, including the U-Th-Pb dating of monazite (Harrison et al., 1995). Application of the IMS 1270 at the WHOIbased Northeast Regional Ion Microprobe Facility (NERIMF) has also been successfully extended to the measurement of Pb isotope ratios in other mineral and glass phases. These include phases such as plagioclase and basalt glass which contain very low total Pb concentrations (0.1-2 ppm). Zircon (ZrSiO4) commonly contains 1-2% Hf substituting for Zr. Consequently, accurate measurement of Pb isotope ratios in zircon requires a mass resolving power (MRP) of 5000-6000 to sufficiently resolve molecular Hf species such as HfSi + from the isotopes of Pb (Schuhmacher et al., 1993). However, isobaric interferences in feldspars and basalt glass generally require MRPs of only 1850 and 3500, respectively, for SIMS analysis. For plagioclase, the most substantial isobaric interferences, tentatively identified as complexes of Na~CawAlxSiyO +, are easily resolved from the Pb isotopes at MRP 1850 or greater. This much lower MRP requirement is extremely advantageous since the inherent sensitivity for Pb in plagioclase is distinctly inferior to that for Pb in zircon, and because the natural Pb contents of magmatic plagioclases tend to be a maximum of only a few ppm. In plagioclase with a total Pb concentration of 1 3 ppm the ratios 2~176 and 2~176 can easily be determined with a precision of better than 0.5% (1 sigma) for a one hour analysis. K-feldspars have a higher range of natural Pb concentrations often hundreds of ppm and appear to possess an inherently better relative sensitivity factor for Pb than plagioclase. Consequently, precisions are much higher than in plagioclase for 2~176176 analysis, and it is generally p o s s i b l e to e x t e n d the m e a s u r e m e n t to 2~176176176 while still maintaining precisions better than 0.5-1%. Interferences on Pb peaks include + NavKwAl,,SlyOz complexes on the low mass sides and as yet unidentified species (possibly Li,,AlxSiyOz +) on the high mass sides. Both sets of isobars are sufficiently resolved at 1800-2000 MRP to allow accurate Pb isotope analysis. Analysis of basalt glasses requires a minimum MRP of 3500 to sufficiently resolve REEO~ and HfO~ species from the Pb peaks. Although basalt glass requires higher MRP, the intrinsic sensitivity for Pb in basalt under Obombardment is more than five times higher than that for plagioclase. Consequently, the transmission of the IMS 1270 is still sufficiently high to produce 2~176176 analyses with precisions of better than 0.4% (1 sigma) from homogeneous basalt glass for typical one hour analyses of materials with 1 ppm Pb. R e a s o n a b l y p r e c i s e m e a s u r e m e n t s o f 2~176176176 can also be produced at these same resolutions with a concomitant increase in the analytical time. Pyrite (FeS2) and chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) also require only modest MRP for Pb isotope analysis. The only substantial isobaric interferences appear to be Fe3S § complexes on 2~176176 and 56Fe232S ~ on 2~ Both isobars require a nominal MRP of only 1000-1100. Due to inherently high natural Pb concentrations (typically 50-100 ppm), chalcopyrite can readily be analysed for 2~176 and 2~176 with precisions of better than 0.3%, and 2~176176176 can be determined with precisions of better than 0.7% for typical 30 to 60 minute analyses. A lateral spatial resolution of 20-30 micrometers can be maintained for most analyses. This allows studies of zoned minerals, exsolved phases, individual melt inclusions and even crystallized daughters
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