Aqueous dispersions with albumin, collagen, chitosan and single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) in different combinations were studied. It was found, that an increase in the fluence above threshold leads to a significant increasing in the total absorption of radiation, moreover the main part of the energy was taken up by the SWCNTs. Thus, the thermal effect on proteins and chitosan decreased. This was confirmed by the nonlinear absorption coefficients, which were determined for the studied aqueous dispersions. Low threshold values of fluence for albumin 0.006 J/cm2 and collagen 0.009 J/cm2 are due to the onset of the denaturation process. This parameter increased up to ~0.05 J/cm2 after addition of SWCNTs that was caused by the formation of microbubbles due to the water evaporation from the heating of nanotubes. The reverse situation occurs in samples with chitosan (0.2 J/cm2) in which there was no denaturation. Adding SWCNTs leads to a decrease in the threshold fluence threshold to 0.15 J/cm2, which can be explained by the rapid heat transfer from nanotubes compared with chitosan. It was established, that optimal energy density range from 1 to 50 J/cm2 for the formation of a composite material using laser pulses with duration 16 ns.