Objective: The objective of this study is to distribute the operations time between the operators according to the production mix for a new product type to be added to the relevant module in the existing production line, and to integrate the new product with high workload time into the existing production line without adding a new operator. Theoretical Framework: Assembly line balancing is an important performance enhancement method that is frequently used to improve the performance of manufacturing systems. Method: Response Surface Methodology (RSM) is a collection of statistical and mathematical techniques useful for developing, improving, and optimizing processes. A discrete event simulation model can be defined as a model where the state variable changes only at these discrete points in time when events occur. Results and Discussion: As a result of the research, the production line can produce 386 products under the condition of not having two consecutive units of X202, with a product mix ratio of 85%-15%. Research Implications: The practicality of use and the consistency of the results obtained make the integration of response surface experimental design with simulation a method that can be applied in both academic and industrial settings. Originality/Value: This study contributes to the literature by developing to balance the assembly line under constraints, the simulation model of the line model is established and the optimization of the model parameters with the response surface has not been discussed in the literature.
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