Natural radioactive elements (potassium, uranium and thorium) abundances were measured in 769 samples of metamorphic and igneous rocks and pre-Cenozoic sedimentary rocks from all geological units on the map sheet 15-11 Zlaté Hory, using a laboratory gamma-ray spectrometer. Metamorphic rocks belong to two geological units of the Silesicum: to the Vrbno Group (a volcanosedimentary complex composed mainly of phyllites, quartzites, amphibolites, greenschists, acid to intermediate metavolcanites and their metatuff s) and the Desná Group (metagranites and blastomylonites). Unmetamorphosed pre-Cenozoic sedimentary rocks are represented by three Variscan flysch formations – the Andělská Hora, Horní Benešov, and Moravice Fms. (rocks of the first formation are unmetamorphosed to anchimetamorphosed), only in small areas by Cretaceous sandstones of the Peruc-Korycany Formation and Devonian limestones of the Líšeň Formation. Unmetamorphosed magmatites are represented by granitoids, lamprophyres andmicrogabbro. From calculated values of mass activity of 226Ra equivalent it is evident that natural radioactivity of most of the studied rocks is low. Slightly increased mass activity values were found in feldspar-rich quartzites (186 on average), metakeratophyres (200 and felsic metatuff s (229 of the Vrbno Group.
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